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Heineken продал свои активы в России группе Arnest без опции обратного выкупа за 1 евро

Heineken N.V. has completed the sale of its Russian assets to the "Arnest" group for a symbolic price of 1 euro, according to the brewing company. The deal has received all necessary approvals. As a result of this transaction, Heineken will incur a loss of approximately 300 million euros. The terms of the deal do not include an option for the repurchase of assets. The "Arnest" group is a major Russian manufacturer of aerosol-packaged perfumes, cosmetics, and household products. This acquisition will significantly expand the company's product range and capabilities. The sale of Heineken's assets in Russia is part of the brewing company's strategy to optimize its portfolio and focus on key markets. Heineken remains one of the leading players in the global beer industry and will continue to develop its business in other regions. The deal with "Arnest" will allow the group to expand its presence in the Russian market and strengthen its position in the perfume, cosmetics, and household sectors. The acquisition of Heineken's assets will contribute to the further development and growth of the company. Heineken continues its international activities, striving for innovation and meeting the needs of its consumers. The sale of Russian assets is one of the steps in this direction and reflects the company's strategic plans for the future.

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